Compositions of

Chitravina N Ravikiran
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Ravikiran has composed over 30 Varnams (possibly the highest number by a single composer). These include pure music centric Tana Varnams and Pada Varnams suited for both music and dance. While the varnams in evocative ragas like Neelambari, Yadukulakambhodhi, Reetigowla and Suruti brim with classical purity, those in Kapi, Abheri, Behag and Kuntalavarali are of a more contemporary feel. Ravikiran has explored relatively uncharted territory in a few varnams such as Ashtadasha (18) Ragamalika Varnam, Pancha Gati Varnam - a single piece in which Chaturashra, Tishra, Mishra, Khanda and Sankeerna gatis are showcased, Varnams composed entirely in Adi Khanda Gati, Adi Tishra Gati, Mishra Chapu and Sankeerna Chapu. In general, he has showcased innovative and intricate rhythmic ideas and added colour to the form as a whole by introducing take-off points before or after the beat in the Charanam sections of a few varnams.

Index of Compositions

Total no of posts: 29