Compositions of

Chitravina N Ravikiran
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Vighna vinayaka



(This combination – SR2M2PD2N3S – SN3PM2R2S – was discovered by Ravikiran’s disciple Vishaal Sapuram when the latter was 6 or 7 years old and given this name by the guru who also composed this piece the same day as a compliment to his disciple.)


vighna vinAyaka namO namO
vyAsa sahAyaka namO namO – shree


nagna vishvEshvara priya tanaya – bhava
magna jana pApa hara chaturatara


lagna rAshyAdhipati ravi shashi kuja
lakShmi sOdara tArA sutAdi
agni sameera varuNEndra mAnita
atishaya charita mAmava durita