Compositions of

Chitravina N Ravikiran
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Santana krshna (Pancha gati varnam)



Though varnams are usually composed in Chaturashra Gati in 3rd speed (4 units/beat), they are occasionally rendered in other speeds/gatis by artists. Ravikiran was inspired to compose varnams exploring other gatis/jatis and his set includes Hamsanandi (Adi – Khanda Gati), Hamsanadam (Adi – Tishra Gati), Abheri (Mishra Chapu) and Todi (Sankeerna Chapu). This varnam is unique as it encompasses all the five gatis within a single piece. The Pallavi, Anupallavi and Muktai swaras as well as the 2nd swara in Charanam in Chaturashram, the Charanam itself in Khandam, 1st swara in Tishram, 3rd in Mishram and 4th in Sankeerna gati respectively. The composer has deliberately kept the overall patterns in all these gatis simple to facilitate overall aesthetics, rather than rhythmic acrobatics.


santAna krShNa mAku
santOshamicchi brOvavayya


santAdi poojitAjita
santanada ravi shashi nayana


 santApa nAshanAti dhureeNa